While you may have sat down to organize your day in blogging, have you ever thought about how to organize your content posted on said blog? There is actually a formula you can use to create awesome blog posts if you follow these steps each time you write a new blog post.


  • Plan to Write Something That Interests You – Choose a topic that resonates with you, something that ignites your typing fingers into full speed mode. Writing about something that interests you not only keeps you efficient in writing content, but it allows your blog posts to flow naturally without much work.
  • Research the Topic – Take time to research information about your next blog post, even if you have a lot of experience, as this will help add more value to your blog post. While experiences are wonderful to add to blog posts, having additional information from various sources gives you more traction for SEO and readership.
  • Create an Outline – Follow a specific outline for each post; introduction, explainer paragraph, additional info paragraph then closure paragraph. Having the same outline for every blog post keeps you from getting stuck on writers block when trying to write your next awesome blog post and allows your blog to have a consistent flow.
  • Confirm Facts – If you are including any factual statements in the blog post, be certain to confirm the information is valid. There is a lot of information on the internet, some of which is false. Be certain that you are sharing actual facts about the topic, unless your blog post is completely an opinion post of course.
  • Optimize Blog Title – Plan to use a catchy blog post title that not only compels people to click through, but also allows robots to index you appropriately. In addition to this, make sure that your blog post links are optimized for SEO, rather than formulated using random numbers and letters. There are plugins for self-hosted WordPress to automatically make SEO friendly links.
  • End with a Question – Be sure that all of your blog posts end with a call to action, such as a question to engage comments on your blog post. Ending with a question makes your readers feel as if they are important and a part of the conversation, this builds blog community.

Sitting down to formulate your own plan of attack for each new blog post written based on the steps listed above will increase your efficiency when you are ready to write content for your blog. Any steps that you can take to organize your blog post writing will enable you to write blog posts quickly and allow readers to get used to a specific format when they visit your blog, thus increasing revenue and visitor counts.