Things to Know:

BODYARMOR SuperDrink™ is a PREMIUM SPORTS DRINK packed with Electrolytes + Vitamins + Coconut Water + Natural Flavors, Colors & Sweeteners

The client is seek­ing blog­gers who have children ages 7+ and/ or write about sports, well­ness, health, fit­ness and sim­i­lar areas. They will approve 150 total blog­gers for this cam­paign. All 150 blog­gers will receive BODYARMOUR SuperDrink products to review on their blog. Of those 150, 75 of them will also be offered an oppor­tu­nity to receive cash com­pen­sa­tion for addi­tional activ­i­ties and require­ments. 50 bloggers will be assigned to each month for three (3) months starting with April.

Time­frame: 4/1/16–6/30/16

Blog­ger Respon­si­bil­i­ties:

If selected for just the prod­uct review/ fea­ture cam­paign:

  • Write a min­i­mum of one (1) prod­uct review/ fea­ture blog­post regard­ing the BODYARMOR product line. Post is also required to have the fol­low­ing: One (1) hyper­link to the BODYARMOR web­site. Post must be submitted by assigned deadline. Blog­gers will be encour­aged to include at least 300 words and two (2) self-provided images. Blog­gers will be encour­aged to include the track­ing link.
  • Dis­close that the received the prod­uct for free, as per FTC guide­lines.
  • Report to Blog­gin’ Mamas, their url/ link to prod­uct review/ fea­ture post.
  • Bloggers will receive product samples in order to facilitate their review.

If selected for the spon­sored post cam­paign:

  • Write a min­i­mum of one (1) spon­sored blog­post regard­ing BODYARMOR. Post is required to be 400 words or more in length, and with at least three (3) images. Post is also required to have the fol­low­ing: One (1) hyper­link to the BODYARMOR web­site. Gen­eral BODYARMOR Mes­sage Points. Include spe­cial­ized track­ing url. (Con­tent that can be uti­lized in posts will be pro­vided to blog­ger prior to post cam­paign period. But blog­ger will be encour­aged to use their own prod­uct images in their posts). Post must be sched­uled to go live in their assigned time­frame, which will fall between April 1st and June 30th.
  • Amplify the spon­sored post via FB, Twit­ter, and Insta­gram at least two (2) times, tag­ging BODYARMOR social media prop­er­ties. While not required, Pin­ter­est pins will also be encour­aged.
  • Dis­close that the posts are com­pen­sated as per FTC guide­lines.
  • Report to Blog­gin’ Mamas, their urls/ links to spon­sored post and social media ampli­fi­ca­tions.
  • Invoice Blog­gin’ Mamas for their pay­ment.
  • Blog­ger Com­pen­sa­tion: $100 + Product Samples

Blog­gers will be selected and noti­fied depending on the month they were selected for. Blog­gers will receive post info upon being sent the products. Blog­gers will be post­ing between 4/1/16 and 6/30/16. Spon­sored post blog­gers will be assigned a post­ing period in which to post their posts. Prod­uct review/ fea­ture blog­gers can post any­time during their assigned month.

Apply here: