This giveaway is sponsored by Bloggin’ Mamas
Blog­gin’ Mamas would like to sup­port the Ad Coun­cil and Keep Amer­ica Beau­ti­ful, the national non­profit orga­ni­za­tion, which recently launched the newest phase of the “I Want to Be Recy­cled pub­lic ser­vice adver­tis­ing cam­paign. The PSA cam­paign aims to raise aware­ness and inspire indi­vid­u­als to recy­cle more with the lat­est series of ads focused on recy­cling in the bathroom. Bloggin’ Mamas is sponsoring a $100 Amazon giftcard as a prize for a giveaway designed to spread the word of the campaign.

Per­sonal care prod­ucts like sham­poo and lotion bot­tles, toi­let paper rolls, and tooth­paste and soap boxes are sig­nif­i­cantly less likely to be recy­cled than kitchen prod­ucts. New research com­mis­sioned by the Ad Coun­cil found that 47% of peo­ple are not recy­cling mate­ri­als in the bathroom.

Accord­ing to a recent study con­ducted for the Ad Coun­cil, 52% of Amer­i­cans don’t know which items can be recy­cled in the bath­room. And only 10% of Amer­i­cans have a recy­cling bin in their bath­room, com­pared to the 45% who have them in the kitchen.

That’s why the “I Want To Be Recycled” campaign has partnered with Vevo’s Do It YourSelfie with Tess & Eva, who recreate the looks from today’s hottest music videos. These two glam experts, known for their DIY hair, makeup and design tips, created a new PSA this Earth Day reminding Americans that those bathroom products deserve to be recycled too!

Check out a quick video they made on how to recycle old clothes into a new bath mat:

Whether it’s hairspray, leave-in conditioner or dry shampoo, many of your favorite beauty products and packaging can take on another life through recycling. For example, your shampoo bottle could be recycled into a hairbrush, or you might find a great new dress made from the recycled plastic of your favorite bottle of lotion.Click here to learn more about what your personal care products can become when properly recycled.

And Now the Giveaway!

Prize(s):  1 win­ner will receive one (1) $100 Ama­zon Gift­card. We encour­age the win­ner to use the gift­card to pur­chase items to encourage recycling.
Num­ber of Win­ners: 1
Give­away Starts: 4/24/15 at 12:01am EST
Give­away Ends: 5/8/15 at 11:59pm EST
Eli­gi­ble: United States Res­i­dents ages 18+.

Enter via the rafflecopter form below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: This giveaway was sponsored by Bloggin’ Mamas. If you have any questions or would like to run your own giveaway with Bloggin’ Mamas, please email