Project Description
In January 2017, Bloggin’ Mamas coordinated a sponsored post for GGP to promote the Sesame Street K is for Kindness Tour stop at Pembroke Lakes Mall..
We achieved the following results during the main event:
– Fifteen (15) Blog posts with Social Media
– 41 Tweets. (+11 more than the 30 contracted for)
– 34 FB Posts. (+4 more than the 30 contracted for)
– Extra Social Posts- 2 Instagram Posts, 4 Pinterest
Pins, 2 Google + Posts
– Combined Blogger Stats at Start of Campaign- UMV 268,461 / MPV 834,740; Twitter Followers 204,653; FB Fans 78,109; Instagram Followers (for those who posted) 52.252 ; Pinterest Followers(for those who posted) 3,835 ; and Google + 1,146 Followers(for those who posted)