Project Description

In November 2017, Blog­gin’ Mamas coordinated a social good post campaign, along with event recruitment for Lionsgate. They sought to collect shoe donations to be presented to the FOOTLOOSE Mission during a live event in LA. They were also promoting the launch of Leap! on BluRay & DVD. The social good posts were shared prior to the event to assist in collecting shoe donations. And local bloggers attended the live event to further document both the social good aspect of the event, as well as the promotion of the movie release.

We achieved the following results for the client during the campaign:
Forty (40) Blog­ posts with Social Media Ampli­fi­ca­tion.
One (1) Radio Spot on local LA radio.

Social Posts (Self-Reported Prior to Live Event):
28 Tweets
28 FB Posts
5 Instagram Posts
8 Pinterest Pins
6 Google + Posts
1 Stumble

#LeapForFootloose hashtag results since we began tracking & using the hashtag:
6,286,271 Time­line Deliveries/Impressions.
2,131,816 Reach.
317 Tweets.
87.38% of Tweets were @Mentions or RT’s= High Engagement Rate.
25 Tweets with Media (Pictures/ Videos).
151 Con­trib­u­tors.
226,711 Time­line Deliveries/Impressions.
150,574 Reach.
23 Posts.
10 Con­trib­u­tors.