This post is being shared as part of a Bloggin’ Mamas social good campaign. No monetary compensation was received for posting this helpful information below.
When it comes to this time of year, spending more hours indoors, you want to make sure your family room is well-organized and truly functional. But that doesn’t have to cost a lot of money to achieve. Here are some tips and tricks for creating a beautiful living room on a budget.
- Declutter to Eliminate the Unnecessary Items – Sometimes our family rooms can suffer from too much clutter. It’s easy to see why since so many things happen in the living room from reading, to movies and games, as well as hobbies or even work projects. The problem comes when we collect unneeded items. Pack a box of things you haven’t used in the past month to donate to Goodwill – these items will go a long way towards increasing job training opportunities right in your community.
- Make Your Shelves Standout – Add shelves to your living room, or make the shelves you have more functional by adding some standout storage like fabric boxes or baskets. Give each a theme and purpose so that you have like items being stored with like, but this way your shelves aren’t merely decorative, but highly functional as well.
- Extra Space-Saving Seating – Accent chairs, poofs, or stools are a great way to create additional seating without overwhelming a small space. When you have oversized pieces in a small space, sometimes it can look crowded no matter how organized it is. Accent chairs like this piece from Goodwill can be more streamlined and easier to maneuver around.
- Add Appropriate Storage – It’s hard to have too much storage in a well-used room. End tables, coffee tables with drawers, or any furniture piece with a place to store items you use often, will be put to good use in the family room!
- Create an Entry Area – Don’t let a flat surface like the coffee table become the place that catches clutter. Put an end table or sofa table near the front door with a basket for loose change, a hook for keys, and a decorative platter for your wallet or other items that need to be seen by someone not yet home. By creating a dedicated area for this “pocket junk” you’ll catch that clutter into some suitable places BEFORE it has a chance to make it’s way onto a coffee table near you.
Giving back to the community is important year-round, but extra important over the holiday season. Goodwill maximizes every donation and every purchase, putting it to work within the community. By doing this holiday shopping at Goodwill, I am giving back and helping my community while I am also getting a great bargain.
Many of these tips can be implemented on a budget with a few simple items that are readily available at many Goodwill locations. Check your nearest Goodwills at the Goodwill store locator. Then share what you found on the hashtag #ShopGoodwill!
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