Project Description
In November 2017, Bloggin’ Mamas coordinated a sponsored post campaign, with event recruitment for GGP to promote the Mattel Santa’s Toy Factory stops at North Point Mall, Clackamas, The Parks at Arlington and SouthWest Plaza.
We achieved the following results overall for the client during the campaign:
Forty (40) Blog posts with Social Media Amplification.
86 Tweets. (+6 more than the 80 contracted for).
83 FB Posts. (+3 more than the 80 contracted for).
Extra Social Posts-
10 Instagram Posts.
12 Pinterest Pins.
7 Google + Posts.
1 Tumblr Post.
#SantasToyFactory hashtag results since we began tracking & using the hashtag:
6,954,839 Timeline Deliveries/Impressions.
1,661,063 Reach.
347 Tweets.
76.08% of Tweets were @Mentions or RT’s= High Engagement Rate.
246 Tweets with Media (Pictures/ Videos).
109 Contributors.
#BlogginMamas hashtag results since we began tracking & using the hashtag for these events:
12,475,379 Timeline Deliveries/Impressions.
4,802,051 Reach.
558 Tweets.
87.64% of Tweets were @Mentions or RT’s= High Engagement Rate.
140 Tweets with Media (Pictures/ Videos).
255 Contributors.