Host(s): Blog­gin’ Mamas

Prize Spon­sor: Kellogg’s Family Rewards


Bloggin’ Mamas has teamed up with Kellogg’s Family Rewards to offer a $250 grocery store gift card giveaway prize. They are seeking sign-ups to their family rewards program, which offers benefits such as product coupons, points for purchases, and linking rewards cards. They are seeking bloggers who have not already worked with Kellogg’s in the past 90 days. They would also like the bloggers to be enrolled in the Kellogg’s Family Rewards program to be able to authentically promote it, so if you are not already a member, please sign-up via our link HERE.

Prize(s):  1 win­ner will receive one (1) $250 Grocery Store Gift Card- Winner’s Choice (Store must carry Kellogg’s products.)

Give­away Starts: 8/?/19 at 12:01am EST (waiting on client approval)

Give­away Ends: 9/?/19 at 11:59pm EST (waiting on client approval)

Eli­gi­ble: United States Res­i­dents ages 18+.

Blog­ger Requirements:

1 Give­away Blog­ post with giveaway wid­get (html/ content to be pro­vided) to be posted by 8/?/18

Share Give­away on Social Media Accounts at least 2 times weekly.

Blog­ger Benefits:

2 Links in Giveaway Widget (Twitter, FB Visit, IG Visit, Pinterest)

Blog ­post com­ments as entries

Abil­ity to alter some wording for their own voice

#of Par­tic­i­pat­ing Blog­gers: Minimum 10- Max 25

Blog­gers will be noti­fied of give­away post html by 8/?/19 9p EST, unless sponsor makes any adjustments.

Any ques­tions? Email Bloggin’ Mamas

Sign-up via this link: